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Friday, June 3, 2011

come as you are

I started a little diet and worked out alot after summer 2010.I lost 11kg in 6months!!! I went from 64 to 53 kilos and I'm 1meter70 which means Im quite thin and Im really happy I made it!! I worked hard and it payed off :)! I really wanted to lose weight cause I felt like shit!  I still workout very much because I love it not just because I want to lose weight! I dont diet, I eat whatever I want and try to be healthy etc..

Now there are still days I feel I have to lose even more weight to look nice, and that really sucks!  The only clothes I ALWAYS feel skinny and good looking in are my gymclothes!haha no kidding!!and when I use my regular clothes it happens sometimes where I feel like I look "fat"! It's really screwed up! The worst is that I know Im skinny... but still sometimes it doesnt feel like it :/  I blame ,one of the most superficial city, PARIS for making me feel like this and pressuring me to look a certain way to be happy!  " come as you are " should be everyones motto for life.

TTYL  happy friday!!! :)


janice said...

how often do you workout girl?

chachaberry said...

almost everyday for 1 or 2 hours :)